HKSTS established the HKSTS Outstanding Dissertation Award (hereafter, the Award) in 2005 to promote transportation research and education in Asia. The Award offers a prize of HK$30,000 (US$1=HK$7.8 approximately). The Gordon Newell Memorial Prize (hereafter, the Prize) is dedicated to the late Professor Gordon Newell of the University of California at Berkeley in recognition of his significant contributions to scientific research and education in traffic and transportation theories. PhD graduates who completed his/her doctoral study from a university in an Asian country or who are critizens of an Asian country are eligible to apply. An applicant should submit the completed <Application Form>, together with a CV, and extended abstract of 1,500-2,000 words (in English), a certificate or equivalent from the university confirming the award of a PhD degree, and thesis supervisor's nomination letter (in English), to the Award Committee by 31 March 2025.

The awardee is expected to present his/her research work and receive a certificate of the Award and the Prize at the 29th HKSTS International Conference. The registration fee for the Conference will be waived. The awardee has the option to submit an article, based on his/her dissertation, to one of the HKSTS journals. The submission will go through the normal peer review process. After the submission is accepted by the journal, he/she will be offered a six-month open access for free.

Each year, only one Award shall be issued. Should no suitable candidate qualify for the Award in a particular year, the Award Committee reserves the right not to grant an Award.

The Award Committee also reserves the right to nominate up to two honourable mentions. Each honourable mention awardee will receive a prize of HK$5,000 and a certificate, as well as a waiver of the registration fee for the HKSTS Conference.

For further details, please click "HKSTS Outstanding Dissertation Award"

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Last Updated December 22, 2024.