Newsletter - August 2000

Dear Friends,

The 4th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, held on 4 December 1999 at the Hong Kong Harbour Plaza Hotel, was a great success and received tremendous support from the transportation professionals in Hong Kong and overseas alike. This conference, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies and the Department of Civil Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has attempted to provide a forum for interested parties to network with one another and exchange ideas on the latest developments in transportation.

During the conference, Mr. H.S. Kwong, the Former Secretary for Works, HKSAR has delivered a keynote address on "Transport into the New Millennium" to enlighten us on the most recent developments of the transport infrastructure in Hong Kong. Three renowned experts in the transportation field, Professor Richard Allsop, Professor Michael Bell and Professor Avi Ceder, from London and Newcastle of U.K., and Israel respectively, have also presented their advanced research works in the invited lectures.

Around 110 participants attended the conference. Over 40 speakers, with about one-third from overseas, briefed us on various important developments in transportation research and practice, both local and international, covering:

The Fifth Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies will take place on the 2nd of December, 2000. As a continuation of four successful conferences, the 5th HKSTS Conference focuses on transportation science and technology into the 21st Century. Presentations on new modeling approaches, concepts, technology, practices, and trends are especially welcome. For further information, visit the conference web site at: Authors are invited to submit the full paper with a maximum of 10 A-4 pages to :

Dr. W.G. Wong
Chairman of the 5th HKSTS Conference
c/o Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong, PR China

Fax : (852) 2334-6389
E-mail :

Full papers should reach the above address before 31 August, 2000.

We are looking forward to your support and participation in the activities of the Society.

Yours sincerely,

William H.K. Lam


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Last Updated November 17, 2003.