Newsletter - October 2004

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the web page of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS)

HKSTS is affiliated to the Eastern Asian Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) which now comprises 16 member countries/areas in the Eastern Asia region; including Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar (or Burma), New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. The 6th bi-annual conference of EASTS will be held in Bangkok of Thailand on 21-24 September 2005, and the 5th bi-annual conference of EASTS has been held in Fukuoka city of Japan on 29-31 October 2003. For further information relating to the activities of EASTS, you may visit the EASTS Web Site with address I cordially invite you to join our Society and make your contribution to transportation research and development (R & D) in the region. In fact, our R&D results in transportation are being recognized internationally. On one hand, the British Library and libraries of some well-known universities in North America have purchased and retained our conference proceedings continuously. On the other hand, I wish to congratulate one of our HKSTS board members, Dr. Hong Lo who has recently received the outstanding paper award from the 5th EASTS conference in Fukuoka.

By the end of 2004, the HKSTS will launch a new transportation journal “Transportmetrica” so as to provide a discussion forum for transportation studies, and exchange of new and innovative ideas in transportation research and development. Look forward to your submission of papers to our new journal for publication. In 2005, the Society, combined with the Gordon Newell Memorial Prize, will present the HKSTS Outstanding Dissertation Paper Award (hereafter, the Award). PhD graduates who fulfill all the requirements are eligible to apply and details can be referred to the society website. The award subcommittee will short-list not more than three papers for a special session of the 10th HKSTS Conference that will be held on 10 December 2005. A prize presentation will be held on the same day. The winner will be awarded a prize of HK$10,000 and a certificate for the HKSTS Outstanding Dissertation Paper Award – Gordon Newell Memorial Prize.

In the coming 9th HKSTS conference that will be held on 11 December 2004, I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Sarah Liao (Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, The Hong Kong SAR Government) will be our keynote speaker to share with us on a fashionable topic - "Electronic Road Price -- An Option for Hong Kong?"

With all these, we do need your continuous support. I encourage you to participate in the work of the HKSTS, to come to our annual conferences and technical seminars. Details of our activities can be found in our web page. We welcome suggestions from members. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members. Meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy browsing through our web page and find the information interesting and useful.

Prof. William H K Lam
Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies
October 1, 2004

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Last Updated September 28, 2004.